Friday 22 June 2012

inside of me...~

I am a person who believes that the best lesson learnt is the one we learn from making mistake or at least the one we can learn from kadang2 org x stuju dgn smua, I also believe that in life, we need to take risk because if we don't, then it is harder for us to succeed.but, smtmes i always try to avoid to take a risk..haha..=P sriously memang susah mn x berani ambik risiko..

I've relied so much on others and it influences my decision making.arwah bapak, mak, abang, kakak..hmm, bnyk dah nyusah sidak ya.. It's time for me to wake up and decide for myself. they can advice and I will take their advice with open heart and mind. By saying no to them doesn't mean I've stop loving them, but it means I want to make the best for me and for them as well.  if  i don't follow their advice, they will be heartbroken…deal with that. I do pray that they trust me,espcially mak and if I do make mistake then I do hope they will forgive me and accept it as part of my learning process.huhu..

People tells me to be more frank with what I feel, what I think. hm, mn kelak dipadah susah juak..xdi padah pun susah juak..semua nya serba salah..Sometimes I'm just so confused and blocked all of my must go on… 

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