Wednesday 11 July 2012


love me or hate me for who i really am..don't love me or hate me for someone i am not ...

how easy it is to please Allah SWT. He is the Al-Mighty who sees everything and fair in everything and as human,we have our flaws.

we can’t make people love us or hate us, it is their own wish.

but,  sometimes I thnk it's too sick of it..and mcm dh fedup dgn life sndiri..='(

We can be nice to others..thn y mst u choose to  hurt other people. 

be nice to others is clearly better than hurting!! 

i wonder y u act like a little kid??! kau dah besar oii.. wake up pls!! 

Tell me if you ever feel truly happy after hurting me or  others and pls tell me if you feel better when you can make someone else smile..


Friday 6 July 2012

semua isi hatimu~~

Kau katakan padaku
bBetapa lelahnya dirimu menghadapi aku
Kau katakan padaku
Ingin kau mengakhiri semua ini

Tak bisakah engkau cuba
Melihat diriku dan semua cintaku
Tak bisakah engkau cuba
Hargai hatiku dan perasaan ku untukmu
Cubalah tuk mengerti aku
Seperti aku yang mengerti semua tentang dirimu
Cubalah tuk merasakanku
Seperti aku yang merasakan semua isi hatimu
Tak bisakah engkau cuba
Melihat diriku dan semua cintaku
Tak bisakah engkau cuba
Hargai hatiku dan perasaanku
Yang hanyalah teruntuk dirimu
Cubalah tuk mengerti aku
Seperti aku yang mengerti semua tentang dirimu
Cubalah tuk merasa aku
Seperti aku yang merasakan semua isi hatimu
Cubalah tu cubalah tuk mengerti aku
Cubalah tuk merasa aku
seperti aku yang merasakan semua isi hatimu
Semua isi hatimu

Friday 29 June 2012

student life..

huhu tired of everything and anything..=(  

  • hostel blm dpt.. so trpksa hidup sbgai "illegal", mn kepak eh..ssh mok luckily, jmpa kwn yg bait bg tumpng bilit.huhu.. + nsb bait roommates nya smua ok2..alhmdulillah..but smtimes adala rasa xsdp hti, tkt la mn kmk mcm menyempitkan bilit..huhu 
  • hmm.. last wednsday dpt new assgnmnt for mgt162.. unfortuntly i cnt choose my own group member..pity me..sabar jelah yer.. then, b4 polah group discussion dh dgr2 org buat kptsan sndiri..but  as a team member we must always respect the other's opinion and respect our team leader's decision.since we have no team leader's yet, so we hve to choose the who can be responsible..hmm, When become the leader, you can make the decision.but if anything went not as are responsible for who want to take the risk?? aaaa.. bingong nyaaaaaaaa~~~
  • next thursday ada quiz for far150..huh! n ive no cnfdnt at all mk score fullmark for that quiz..sighh~ sumpah takut..
  • pa gk nk d share? nothng mch jst im so tired of my cmpus life..=( hmmmm...

Tuesday 26 June 2012

sik suka..

kmk just mok padah kmk sik suka org drive laju.. kmk sik suka sbb bila org drive laju dada kmk sakit..kelak tiba2 break ngejut..sakit bah dada tok bila jantung bedegup laju..xpaham ka??!!!. kmk ngakuk kmk takut sik boh drive laju!!! bahaya ehh.. mun mok kmk tumpang or apa, jangan laju!!!! =..="  huh.. ='(

Sunday 24 June 2012

from the bottom of my broken heart..

Hujan rintik begini,
Hatiku teringat padamu,
Mengapa kau pergi meninggalkanku?
Setelah ku tinggalkan dia?
Dirimu berjanji setia,
Membuat diriku terbuai,
Dirimu mengaku cinta,
Aku terus percaya,
Kini ku sedar,
Dirimu hanya berpura-pura,
Kau beri harapan,
Kau juga yang mengkhianatinya,
Aku sayang padamu,
Aku juga merinduimu,
Banyak kenangan kita bina bersama,
Mengapa kau pergi begitu saja?
Apa salahku?
Dosakah aku?
Katakanlah wahai pujaan,
Agar terjawab semua persoalan,
Aku tak mengerti,
Mengapa kau tinggalkan diriku yang mula menyintaimu..

(14/2/2010) -syaz-

my own idea..=)

Aku tak mengerti

Malam ini ku gembira, 
Tidak seperti dahulu,
Malam ku penuh duka,
Bertemankan air mata..

Kau beri ku peluang kedua,Kau pinta ku setia,
Ku hargai,
Dan ku berjanji..
Disaat aku mulai setia,
Mengapa engkau pula yang berdusta,
Aku tak mengerti, 
Mengapa semua ini terjadi..

Dulu memang ku yang bersalah, 
Kerna telah menduaknmu,
Adakah itu hukuman bagiku?

Berikanku jawapan, 
Agar terungakai segala persoalan..
Kini ku pergi membawa diri,

Hujan dan panas tak ku hirau lagi,Pergi dengan cinta di hati, 
Tak memandang langit yang tinggi,
Kerna ku tahu ku tak mampu menahan hati,
Ku tak layak bersamamu, 
Aku sedar siapa aku..

(15/2/2010) -syaz-

tazkirah subuh utk pagi ini =)

Kita telah ketahui bersama bahwa waktu pagi adalah waktu yanng penuh barakah dan di antara waktu yang kita diperintahkan untuk memanfaatkannya. Akan tetapi, pada kenyataannya kita banyak melihat orang-orang melalaikan waktu yang mulia ini. Waktu yang seharusnya dipergunakan untuk bekerja, melakukan ketaatan dan beribadah, ternyata dipergunakaan untuk tidur dan bermalas-malasan.
Saudaraku, ingatlah bahawa orang-orang soleh terdahulu sangat membenci tidur pagi. Kita dapat melihat ini dari penuturan Ibnul Qayyim ketika menjelaskan masalah banyak tidur bahawa banyak tidur dapat mematikan hati dan membuat badan merasa malas serta membuang-buang waktu. Beliau rahimahullah mengatakan,
“Banyak tidur dapat mengakibatkan lalai dan malas-malasan. Banyak tidur ada yang termasuk dilarang dan ada pula yang dapat menimbulkan bahaya bagi badan.
Waktu tidur yang paling bermanfaat yaitu :

  1. Tidur ketika perlu tidur.
  1. Tidur di awal malam – ini lebih manfaat daripada tidur lewat malam
  1. Tidur di pertengahan siang –ini lebih bermanfaat daripada tidur di waktu pagi dan petang. Apatah lagi pada waktu pagi dan petang sangat kurang manfaatnya bahkan lebih banyak bahaya yang ditimbulkan, lebih-lebih lagi tidur di waktu Asar dan awal pagi kecuali jika memang tidak tidur semalaman.

Menurut para salaf, tidur yang terlarang adalah tidur ketika selesai solat subuh hingga matahari terbit. Kerena pada waktu tersebut adalah waktu untuk menuaighonimah (pahala yang berlimpah). Mengisi waktu tersebut adalah keutamaan yang sangat besar, menurut orang-orang soleh. Sehingga apabila mereka melakukan perjalanan semalam suntuk, mereka tidak mahu tidur di waktu tersebut hingga terbit matahari. Mereka melakukan demikian kerana waktu pagi adalah waktu terbukanya pintu rezeki dan datangnya barokah (banyak kebaikan).” (Madarijus Salikin, 1/459, Maktabah Syamilah)


Tidak sesuai dengan petunjuk Al Qur’an dan As Sunnah.
Bukan termasuk akhlak dan kebiasaan para salafush soleh (generasi terbaik umat ini), bahkan merupakan perbuatan yang dibenci.
Tidak mendapatkan barokah di dalam waktu dan amalannya.
Menyebabkan malas dan tidak bersemangat di sisa harinya.
Maksud dari hal ini dapat dilihat dari perkataan Ibnul Qayyim. Beliau rahimahullahberkata, “Pagi hari bagi seseorang itu seperti waktu muda dan akhir harinya seperti waktu tuanya.” (Miftah Daris Sa’adah, 2/216). Amalan seseorang di waktu muda berpengaruh terhadap amalannya di waktu tua. Jadi jika seseorang di awal pagi sudah malas-malasan dengan sering tidur, maka di petang harinya dia juga akan malas-malasan pula.
Menghambat datangnya rezeki.
Ibnul Qayyim berkata, “Empat hal yang menghambat datangnya rezeki adalah [1] tidur di waktu pagi, [2] sedikit solat, [3] malas-malasan dan [4] berkhianat.” (Zaadul Ma’ad, 4/378)
Menyebabkan berbagai penyakit badan, di antaranya adalah melemahkan syahwat. (Zaadul Ma’ad, 4/222)


P/S peringatan tuk diri sdiri….

reader's digest~~

obviously i am dead bored....suddnly teringt my boyfie ngerepak ariya.he askd me to read more article in english..  
"reader's digest ya bgs di baca" i google la "reader's digest".. tok la pa yg d bca kmk..

20 Simple Ways to Get Happy

Happiness is ephemeral, subject to the vagaries of everything from the weather to the size of your bank account.
We’re not suggesting that you can reach a permanent state called “happiness” and remain there. But there are many ways to swerve off the path of anxiety, anger, frustration, and sadness into a state of happiness once or even several times throughout the day. Here are 20 ideas to get you started. Choose the ones that work for you. If tuning out the news or making lists will serve only to stress you further, try another approach.
1. Practice mindfulness. Be in the moment. Instead of worrying about your checkup tomorrow while you have dinner with your family, focus on the here and now — the food, the company, the conversation.
2. Laugh out loud. Just anticipating a happy, funny event can raise levels of endorphins and other pleasure-inducing hormones and lower production of stress hormones. Researchers at the University of California, Irvine, tested 16 men who all agreed they thought a certain videotape was funny. Half were told three days in advance they would watch it. They started experiencing biological changes right away. When they actually watched the video, their levels of stress hormones dropped significantly, while their endorphin levels rose 27 percent and their growth hormone levels (indicating benefit to the immune system) rose 87 percent.
3. Go to sleep. We have become a nation of sleep-deprived citizens. Taking a daily nap or getting into bed at 8 p.m. one night with a good book — and turning the light out an hour later — can do more for your mood and outlook on life than any number of bubble baths or massages.
4. Hum along. Music soothes more than the savage beast. Studies find music activates parts of the brain that produce happiness — the same parts activated by food or sex. It’s also relaxing. In one study older adults who listened to their choice of music during outpatient eye surgery had significantly lower heart rates, blood pressure, and cardiac workload (that is, their heart didn’t have to work as hard) as those who had silent surgery.
5. Declutter. It’s nearly impossible to meditate, breathe deeply, or simply relax when every surface is covered with papers and bills and magazines, your cabinets bulge, and you haven’t balanced your checkbook in six months. Plus, the repetitive nature of certain cleaning tasks — such as sweeping, wiping, and scrubbing — can be meditative in and of itself if you focus on what you’re doing.
6. Just say no. Eliminate activities that aren’t necessary and that you don’t enjoy. If there are enough people already to handle the church bazaar and you’re feeling stressed by the thought of running the committee for yet another year, step down and let someone else handle things.
7. Make a list. There’s nothing like writing down your tasks to help you organize your thoughts and calm your anxiety. Checking off each item provides a great sense of fulfillment.
8. Do one thing at a time. Edward Suarez, Ph.D., associate professor of medical psychology at Duke, found that people who multitask are more likely to have high blood pressure. Take that finding to heart. Instead of talking on the phone while you fold laundry or clean the kitchen, sit down in a comfortable chair and turn your entire attention over to the conversation. Instead of checking e-mail as you work on other projects, turn off your e-mail function until you finish the report you’re writing. This is similar to the concept of mindfulness.
9. Garden. Not only will the fresh air and exercise provide their own stress reduction and feeling of well-being, but the sense of accomplishment that comes from clearing a weedy patch, watching seeds turn into flowers, or pruning out dead wood will last for hours, if not days.
10. Tune out the news. For one week go without reading the newspaper, watching the news, or scanning the headlines online. Instead, take a vacation from the misery we’re exposed to every day via the media and use that time for a walk, a meditation session, or to write in your journal.
11. Take a dog for a walk. There are numerous studies that attest to the stress-relieving benefits of pets. In one analysis researchers evaluated the heart health of 240 couples, half of whom owned a pet. Those couples with pets had significantly lower heart rates and blood pressure levels when exposed to stressors than the couples who did not have pets. In fact, the pets worked even better at buffering stress than the spouses did.
12. Scent the air. Research finds that the benefits of aromatherapy in relieving stress are real. In one study people exposed to rosemary had lower anxiety levels, increased alertness, and performed math computations faster. Adults exposed to lavender showed an increase in the type of brain waves that suggest increased relaxation. Today you have a variety of room-scenting methods, from plug-in air fresheners to essential oil diffusers, potpourri, and scented candles.
13. Ignore the stock market. Simply getting your quarterly 401(k) statement can be enough to send your blood pressure skyrocketing. In fact, Chinese researchers found a direct link between the daily performance of the stock market and the mental health of those who closely followed it. Astute investors know that time heals most financial wounds, so give your investments time — and give yourself a break.
14. Visit a quiet place. Libraries, museums, gardens, and places of worship provide islands of peace and calm in today’s frantic world. Find a quiet place near your house and make it your secret getaway.
15. Volunteer. Helping others enables you to put your own problems into perspective and also provides social interaction. While happy people are more likely to help others, helping others increases your happiness. One study found that volunteer work enhanced all six aspects of well-being: happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, sense of control over life, physical health, and depression.
16. Spend time alone. Although relationships are one of the best antidotes to stress, sometimes you need time alone to recharge and reflect. Take yourself out to lunch or to a movie, or simply spend an afternoon reading, browsing in a bookstore, or antiquing.
17. Walk mindfully. You probably already know that exercise is better than tranquilizers for relieving anxiety and stress. But what you do with your mind while you’re walking can make your walk even more beneficial. In a study called the Ruth Stricker Mind/Body Study, researchers divided 135 people into five groups of walkers for 16 weeks. Group one walked briskly, group two at a slow pace, and group three at a slow pace while practicing “mindfulness,” a mental technique to bring about the relaxation response, a physiological response in which the heart rate slows and blood pressure drops. This group was asked to pay attention to their footsteps, counting one, two, one, two, and to visualize the numbers in their mind. Group four practiced a form of tai chi, and group five served as the control, changing nothing about their lives. The group practicing mindfulness showed significant declines in anxiety and had fewer negative and more positive feelings about themselves. Overall they experienced the same stress-reducing effects of the brisk walkers. Better yet, the effects were evident immediately.
18. Give priority to close relationships. One study of more than 1,300 men and women of various ages found that those who had a lot of supportive friends were much more likely to have healthier blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar metabolism, and stress hormone levels than those with two or fewer close friends. Women, and to a lesser extent men, also seemed to benefit from good relationships with their parents and spouses. Studies also find that people who feel lonely, depressed, and isolated are three to five times more likely to get sick and die prematurely than those who have feelings of love, connection, and community.
19. Take care of the soul. In study after study, actively religious people are happier and cope better with crises, according to David Myers, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. For many people faith provides a support community, a sense of life’s meaning, feelings of ultimate acceptance, a reason to focus beyond yourself, and a timeless perspective on life’s woes. Even if you’re not religious, a strong spirituality may offer similar benefits.
20. Count your blessings. People who pause each day to reflect on some positive aspect of their lives (their health, friends, family, freedom, education, etc.) experience a heightened sense of well-being.

tba2 pnde emo.. ehem2..

i want to deactive my fb laa + mn la dpt pindah ke cmpus lain memang kmk la org first yg akn polah!!! =P ..actually im sick of drama on fb and cmpus..  either by others or me myself.haha i need to control my emotion more since dah start cmpus tok tek nak..bnyk dugaan!! tp bila d fikir2kan lg, mcm xdpt jk nk polah kdk ya..hmmm...

fitnah...backstabber and immature people...wat more can i say? ignore the ignorants and ur life would be calmer..m i ryte? haha.. i thnk they gt nothng to do..sbb ya suka polah krja plek2 gya..=P anok la kmk..but,  judgement day kelak tengok la mun kitak leh transfer dosa kitak ya ke kamek. peace..! =) semoga Allah merahmati mu dunia dan akhirat..amin! =)

just an update..=)

Today the weather is pretty nice. Soft wind with sunlight to make it warm enough but not till u sweat  ..huhu

nw dah dkt cmpus..hmm..lapar.. =(  tsk tsk..

hm, 1st clss for tomorrow cncle.. nxt clss myb cncle..haha =P sbb dah dua kali dah lectrer ya cncle clss wthout any notice..sigh..buang masa jk nunggu katok2 lm clss..=..=" cba polah notice.. x la jd gya..aduyaiinyepun..

thn mlm ada perjumpaan teater.. teater..teater.. teater best mun smua org hving mn certain jk yg hving fun, ya yg xbest nya..mksd nya teater tok memerlukan team yg kuat n supprtive..mun x, syok sendiri la anda..=P 

Saturday 23 June 2012

mcm nenek jak~

today i went to wisma beli spec baru bh..spec lmk ya dh xbgs gk..huhu

thn, pg la dkt my fav kdai..but unfortunately amoi yg selalu entertained kmk ya x jd la pg beli spec dkt kdai ya..pity pekerja cina yg suggest spec2 td..haha tp salah nya juak..cuba nya bg opinion nk ka dah beli dah kmk td..haaaiiiyaaa..

pasya i told mak that i wnt to go downstairs.. kdai ronnie optics..on my way trn escalator ya, i called my boyfie..kesian nya knk kerepak..haha xtauk apa2 nya tedah.. ofcoz la kmk ngerepak..xda org bg opinion bh!!!

msk kdai ronnie optic ya dgn mulut bisin ngerepak..haha =P (xmalu da jk)...suddnly ada la pekrja dkt cya tego.. "mk spec mcm ne miss?" thn i replied, " kejap ah..kmk gik otp.." haha..psya alu bdiri tuguk2 la laki ya bdiri d tepi..=P jahat ada jk..

lps abis ngerepak tek, laki ya tego agk.." miss ddk dolok, kmk cri spec apa yg sesuai utk miss..miss mk spec mcm ne?" "kmk mk yg half frme.." "ok".. lps 2mins, laki ya dtg ngmbak sigek kotak besar..dlm ya ada bnyk glk spec..hahaaaa (rasa tersindir la pulak) =P thn nya show sigek2 spec ya..haha smua knk rjct.. trok ehh.. Macam MAK NENEK jak..atlast dah almst 1 hour ddk mileh spec tek, brkenan la dgn spec bonia tk..hueheee.. (ya pn random choose sbna nya..sbb mak dah bising) hahah

nsb bait tgh sale 50%.. mn dak, xmampu la nk bli bonia ya..yerrrrr..hahah =P  pajak laa..

kuatan tek xmok nmpak mcm nenek2, skali bila blt rmh my brother in law tgr " wani knk kau kdk org tua jk pake spec bgya.." 

OMG!!!! sampe hati nya madah kdkya.. sigh!!! asa mk tumbok jak..haha p xplaa..mahall oooo bli spec tok..haha.. ko ada?xda nk..haha =P neda kdk org tua..jst nya kdk cikgu2 ckit bh..yerr  lalalala~~

Friday 22 June 2012

"bau ketiak lelaki mampu mnjdi penawar stress wanita"

"bau ketiak lelaki mampu mnjdi penawar stress wanita" eeeuuww..=P my boyfie salu cakap pasal artikel ni.. haha bnyi mcm pelik & tipu jak..but it's a fact..haha baru hari ni, sy terbaca artikel tu..

"Satu kajian telah di buat di Pensyvania beberapa tahun lalu. Kajian dilakukan di sana membuktikan bahawa peluh lelaki membantu kaum wanita menurunkan tekanan melancarkan perjalanan haid."

Menurut laporan Jurnal Biology of Reproduction America. Sebelum ini, bau ketiak lelaki yang sengaja " diproses" daripada lelaki yang tidak memakai deodoran digunakan sebagai bahan ujikaji bagi mencari bukti bahawa hidung wanita boleh "digoda" dengan bau lawan sejenisnya. Dalam uji kaji yang dilakukan, wangian semulajadi itu kemudian di sapukan ke atas bibir puluhan wanita berumur 25 dan 45 tahun tanpa memberitahu ia adalah bau peluh lelaki dan hanya diberitahu bahawa mereka sedang menguji satu aroma wangian tersebut.

Enam jam pertama selepas itu, skala mood wanita yang di sapu wangian yang diperbuat daripada peluh ketiak lelaki tersebut diukur. Hasilnya sungguh unik. Selain boleh mencerahkan mood, wangian ketiak lelaki ternyata dapat membuatkan wanita menjadi kurang tegang..

wahhh....  =..=" comment laaa~~


p/s : # utk isteri2 yg selalu stress ya, cium la bau ketiak suami mu yg bok blt kerja ya..waaaaaa!!! hahah =P 

      # utk wanita2 yg belum kawen mcm I ni, cari la lelaki yg xberbau "hangit" utk d jdkan suami k..hahahahahaha =P =P lol!        

personal number by sir ibrahim.. =P

mlm rabu ya tek DIA Part3 MAF group C ada smthng like bengkel orgnized by bach of acc.. it was happening progrm kecemerlangn ever..salu nya org akan bertanggapan progrm mcm ya sbnanya x.. depends la sapa yg bg talk ya..haha

the day before sir Ibrahim told us yg Dato Fadilah Kamsah akn bg talk mlm ya..excited kejap kmk org tek..pduhal Sir Syah yg brk talk juak mlm ya..haha lucu laa sir~~ =P

the best part of the prgrm mlm ya,bila sir Ibrahim srh campurkan tarikh lahir kmk org pun.. mcm tok ~

Eg ::
13 May 1993 di campur kan jadi  1993 + 5 = 1998 + 13 = 2011

dah dapat 2011 , campurkan lg .. jadi .. 2 + 0 = 2 + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4
lps ya dapat la ur personal numb which is 4..

kira betul2 mn x, numb ya xda mkna nya..bak kata sir ibrahim..

P/S sorry numb 1 xda..xsmpt nk cpture..

inside of me...~

I am a person who believes that the best lesson learnt is the one we learn from making mistake or at least the one we can learn from kadang2 org x stuju dgn smua, I also believe that in life, we need to take risk because if we don't, then it is harder for us to succeed.but, smtmes i always try to avoid to take a risk..haha..=P sriously memang susah mn x berani ambik risiko..

I've relied so much on others and it influences my decision making.arwah bapak, mak, abang, kakak..hmm, bnyk dah nyusah sidak ya.. It's time for me to wake up and decide for myself. they can advice and I will take their advice with open heart and mind. By saying no to them doesn't mean I've stop loving them, but it means I want to make the best for me and for them as well.  if  i don't follow their advice, they will be heartbroken…deal with that. I do pray that they trust me,espcially mak and if I do make mistake then I do hope they will forgive me and accept it as part of my learning process.huhu..

People tells me to be more frank with what I feel, what I think. hm, mn kelak dipadah susah juak..xdi padah pun susah juak..semua nya serba salah..Sometimes I'm just so confused and blocked all of my must go on… 

Tuesday 19 June 2012

lost so much but gain much more..

I have lost so much
But I have gain so much more
I’ve lost few important people in my life
Those that I wish would stay around longer
But that is life
Life offer lost along with love and something…

It is time like this I am so grateful to be who I am and be where I am with who I am. alhamdulillah.. =) 

harus bg kita utk bersyukur dgn khdpn yg Allah bg..walaupn kadang2 terasa susah..but,life must go on..=) semuanya ada hikmah.. insyallah akan dipermudahkan segala urusan jika kita BERSABAR.. =)

p/s : mn ada org nganok2 ya senyum jak... =P haha.. senyum..tak perlu kata apa2..

start wif new chapter in my life

I think I need therapy to avoid my i create la blog ni..=) harap2 blog ni dpt hilangkn "kestressan" yg melanda..hehe (stress la sngt~) see yea~ =)